Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in total

S2E3: Finding Your Motiviation

How to find motivation when learning a language.

S2E2 To Duolingo or not to Duolingo

Kris take the time to discuss the efficacy of duolingo.

S2E1: Introduction, Language Learning Goals and Language Background (Pilot Episode With Co-host)

In this episode, we simply want to introduce ourselves, talk about our language background and what we hope to gain from this podcast. Since this is our pilot episode,...

S1#15 Talking to your Phone

You have a language partner always with you; Your phone!

S1#14 Setting Goals (with respect to testing your progress)

This is a continuation of a episode 12 and why goals are so important in language learning

S1#13 Don't Put All of Your Eggs in One Basket

It is comfortable to stay with one resource, but that can often hurt you more than it can help you

S1#12 Testing your Progress

Should you take a language test? That all depends on your needs.

S1#11 How to be Your Own Conversation Partner

It's not always easy to find a language partner. So, why don't you be your own conversation partner?

S1#10 It's all About Context

If you want to understand how to use a word, then you have to understand its context. Let's talk about that a bit, shall we?

S1#9 The Power of Mnemonics and Repetition

Mnemonics are the best way of remembering things!

S1#8 An Opportunity Not Used is an Opportunity Wasted

Don't wait for opportunities to come to you, you have to meet them where there are at or make them. Today, we are going to talk about how you can increase your chances...

S1#7 - The Myth of Fluency

Why thinking about perfection in language learning is a bad idea and how it can hurt you in the long run.

S1#6 Should I Use Subtitles?

Using subtitles is tempting in language learning, but is it always effective. Have a quick listen and the answer might surprise you.

S1#4 - Letting Your Ears Do the Work

It is tempting to let your eye do the work instead of your eyes. This can hurt you in the long run and I will tell you why!

S1#3 - Enjoying the Process

Going along with the journey will help you to enjoy it much more.

S1E1 - Motivation, Consistency, Determination

The three keys to success are motivation, consistency and determination!

Christopher M. Chandler, Kris Schauer